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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Calendar Recall

Calendar Recall

Previously we wrote about the Real World Language program to teach recall skills. This procedure should continue to expand recall skills...

Materials: Ziplock bags, pictures from outings, desk top blotter sized calendar

1. Write the events for the month on the calendar such as trips, outings, birthday parties etc. Add additional events as they occur.

When taking the child on outings, collect a few pictures while on the outings (such as the ones that are collected during the Real World Language program). Mark on the calendar a number that corresponds to the set of pictures. The pictures should then be placed in a ziplock bag and filed away.  

2.  Bring the child to the calendar and ask questions such as the following:

a. “What did you do yesterday?”

b. “What did you do (number) days ago?”

c. “What are you going to do in (number) days?”


3. When asking him about a past event attempt to engage him in a brief conversation about the event. If he cannot produce a reasonably descriptive response, retrieve the pictures.

4. Have the child sequence the pictures and then tell about the events in the pictures.

5. Remove the pictures and then ask him to tell about the event.

If he responds correctly, ask him two or three questions about the event.

Use the pictures if he requires assistance.

This sequence can be repeated three times. If his responses don’t improve then tell him that it was “good trying” and then try again later or during the next session.

If his responses improve, wait approximately 15 minutes and then have him tell a different adult about the outing/event.

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