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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Be the Teacher!

Sometimes our children want to tell us what to do! This is a good way to have fun with our children and have them practice  a number of skills at the same time...

Be the Teacher
Note: Use stimuli from mastered programs only. Initially focus on having The child practice with the mastered Expressive Picture Labels program.

SD1: “Time to play Be the Teacher.”
R1: The child presents a picture card to the instructor and says, “What is this?” or “What is it?” or “Tell me what this is.”

SD2: Instructor responds correctly.
R2: “That’s right!” or “Good job!” or “Very nice!”

● Initially the instructor should use modeling to teach The child these responses.

Target the following:
1. Instruction Only
- Instructor models how to “be the teacher” (instruction and feedback) and then says, “ok The child, it’s your turn.”

- A correct response will be scored if The child imitates the instructor’s model of the instruction only.

2. Instruction and Feedback

 - Instructor models how to “be the teacher” (instruction and feedback) and then says, “ok The child, it’s your turn.”
- A correct response will be scored if The child imitates the instructor’s model and the feedback. 

3. Terminal Response
- All prompts are faded and The child responds correctly by presenting appropriate stimuli and feedback.

4. Expanding the Sequence
-A correct response will be scored if The child can correctly deliver two consecutive trials.
- A correct response will be scored if The child can correctly deliver three consecutive trials.
- A correct response will be scored if The child can correctly deliver four consecutive trials.
- A correct response will be scored if The child can correctly deliver five consecutive trials.

5. Adding Additional Programs
- Once The child has become proficient at the previous step, it will be time to probe for generalization across other mastered programs and include them here.

Data Collection: Trial by Trial
Data Display: Percentage Correct graphed at the end of every session.

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